Board of Directors

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michelle glowa, phd

Michelle is assistant professor in Anthropology and Social Change at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. Her research interests include critical political ecology, urban social movements, and agri-food studies. Her work uses interdisciplinary frameworks to explore the dynamics between activists engaged in changing the socio-spatial landscapes of cities and food systems and the contemporary institutions with which they interact.

Michelle approaches her research with over a decade of experience working with food justice and urban agriculture organizing in the United States and Mexico. Her research contributes to a broader effort in the social sciences to study the cultures, political imaginaries, solidification of practices, and limitations of today's radical social movements. Michelle received her B.S. in Natural Resource Management and Political Science from Colorado State University and her PhD in Environmental Studies from University of California Santa Cruz.



 targol mesbah, phd

Targol received her BA in film studies from the University of California Irvine and her PhD in history of consciousness at University of California Santa Cruz. She is presently working on her book manuscript entitled Why Does the Other Suffer? War, Trauma, and the Everyday. She has taught courses in critical theory, postcolonial critique, media studies, and Iranian cinema.

Targol is currently assistant professor in Anthropology and Social Change at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. Her contributions to Dyspatch have been many including guidance on methodologies and theories of activist ethnography and accompanyment with environmental efforts.
